Truth Applied

We have been exploring Christian doctrine in our home group over the last couple of years, and this is ongoing. The format of each Tuesday evening is that our minister, Jim Sayers, gives a 30 minute talk exploring one key doctrine, and this leads into discussion. You can download the PDFs of these talks with study questions below:

  1. The God who makes himself known
  2. All Scripture is God-breathed
  3. The authority and sufficiency of Scripture
  4. What kind of book is the Bible
  5. the Holiness of God
  6. The omnipotent all-knowing God
  7. The love and grace of God
  8. The decree of God
  9. Does God ever change
  10. The Trinity

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Southern Community Centre
Sorrel Crescent
OX11 6HQ
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Sunday 10:30am
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